jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008

Asociación Cordobesa de Agencias de Publicidad

4 de Diciembre, Día de la Publicidad. La ACAP organizaba su fiesta anual, había que anunciarlo y nos solicitaron un aviso para ello.

Fun, creative, relaxed, crazy people
(those are the surfers)
We just work in something we like. I we deserve a party, don't we?
December the 4th Advertising Day.

You never know were a good idea might fell down.
December the 4th Advertising Day.
Client: ACAP
Subject: 35 years
Graf ad
Out: in these days

I am a copywriter, or what people call creative, and today I have to make an ad to the people that makes ad, to tell them that the bureau that unite them is getting 35 years old.

It means that: a union that unite us, the people that make ads, celebrates 35 year of uniting people who make ads.

Thats why I made this ad, clear and straight

ACAP (logo)

Secretaria de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Nación

La Secretaria de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable quería recordar y concientizar a la gente de la importancia del dia mundial del medio ambiente.

If you leave the water running. We`re all gonna pay a lot.
Chose change, is today or never.
June 5th Environmental world day.

If you waste energy, nature is gonna bring us a big bill.
Chose change, is today or never.
June 5th Environmental world day.

One day to change the rest of owr days
June 5th Environmental world day.

One day to change the rest of owr days
June 5th Environmental world day.

Congreso La cultura del trabajo y sus valores.

Trabajo realizado para la ONG Inclusión Social Sustentable, en el marco del:
IIº Congreso Internacional:
La Cultura del Trabajo y sus Valores

1% talent
99% effort
Thats the way to succes
Don't leave your future for tomorrow

Stay at home, and nothing is going to happen
No changes,
No improves,
No nothing
Don't leave your future for tomorrow

Making an efort is not sure that you are going to make a change.
But for sure something is going to change
Don't leave your future for tomorrow

If you whant things to keep like that,
keep on doing the same
Don't leave your future for tomorrow

Trabajos Edificor

Campaña realizada para la casa de Materiales de la Construccion Edificor.

It's not your bathroom, is the one who makes you star again each morning.
Your house goes with you, and it's part of your life.
It's your world were you don't have strings and fell free.

Trabajos Banco de Còrdoba

Uno de los primeros Bancos de Argentina, presentaba en sociedad una nueva gama de Creditos Agropecuarios.

Farming has evolved: machinery, technology, processes and genetics.
But the tool that's been used since the begining today is more usefull than ever.
Banco de Cordoba, is your best ally, with a wide range of credits for farmers.